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Your babies are the PILOTS OF KINDY and let us introduce the CO-PILOTS and the cabin crew who all assist them in their flight to the future.

Dr. K.M Venkataramana, a physician and philanthropist - "The greatest gift that we want to give our children is the WINGS of independence"

Mrs. Sumitra Krishnamurthy an entrepreneur in the field of education - "We will provide all the necessities required to Experience First Class atmosphere in KINDY for all on board for the journey towards PRIMARY LEVEL ".

Dr. Raghavendra , a young radiologist with a passion for new concepts in Education - "Come and experience the flight to a bright future with us because you were BORN TO FLY "

Ms. Shilpa Jagadish ,the centre head, is always chattering new ways for the young pilots. - " "

The teachers have already laid down the route map and are waiting for the PILOTS to board KINDY and assist them in the fight path.

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